Ever wanted to do MultiTasking with MultiScreen, to chat and watch Youtube video at the same time like the MultiWindow feature on Samsung and LG smartphones. Well then chill out as your Android Smartphone is surely capable of that feature too.
Things you'll need:
- Rooted Android Phone
- Xposed Installer
- XMultiWindow Module (Xposed Module)
- Gravity Box (Xposed Module)
- Quick Shortcut Maker
- MultiWindowSidebar
Lets Get started

- Firstly install and activate Xposed Installer
- Download the module XMultiWindow from Xposed, Install and activate it
- Install MultiWindowSidebar
- Now open MultiWindowSidebar and goto Select Apps tab to Set your desired apps on Sidebar
- Now goto Drag Launch Mode and select XMultiWindow
- Well half of the tutorial is done by the way. Now just press the Play button to launch the Sidebar and give it a try by dragging the apps to the up and down part of the screen.

Activate the Sidebar from a press on Desired Navigation Keys
Just like on Samsung Galaxy Devices you can set the Sidebar to be Activated from navigation bar. Gravity box and QuickShortcut maker must be installed for this trick to work
- Open gravity box, Scroll down and goto Navgation keys action. There you'll see differenet options on setting the action on the way of pressing different navigation keys. You can set the toggle on any desired keys.
- Choose your desired Navigation key action and choose custom action >> then choose shortcut >> Activities.
- Search and tap MultiWindowSidebar and Choose Toggle MultiWindowSidebar from expanded option and Create. Now restart your device and you are all set.
- Now try pressing the navigation key which you set and you will see movable Sidebar appearing on side of your screen. Just apply same process to make the sidebar Disappear.